A biopic tale of the extraordinary life of Billy "Sutty" Sutton, a legend of the Birmingham bullring in the 60's and 70's, then the streets of Miami with the Police Department In 1980's and 90's.
Based on the true story of Billy "Sutty" Sutton and his journey. From a flower seller drunk on the floor of his warehouse in Birmingham waiting to die with nothing but mice for company to becoming a legend with Miami Vice.
The world premiere of The Legend Plays On, back where it all began in Birmingham, surrounded by friends.
As part of the English Riviera Film Festival, Torquay Museum plays host to a film which recounts the remarkable true story of Billy Sutton, son of a Birmingham bullring flower seller and grandson of a Peaky Blinder, who became instrumental in helping the Miami Chief of Police to clean up its crime-ridden streets in the 1980s.
Gary Stretch, Bryan Robson and Joe Rimondi were unable to attend, but sent videos greeting Sutty and his guests at the premiere of The Legend Plays On at the Tally Ho in Birmingham.
A word From Billy…
The making of the film was a very emotional, tiring, and yet both a wonderful and fulfilling experience. The dedication by all the cast and crew was phenomenal and the respect I have for them and their hard work, words cannot express. It just goes to say a huge thank you to all involved.
Long time friend of Billy, actor and director Gary Stretch meets the crew of ‘The Legend Plays On’ in Brixham…